How does flying work?
Shipping a puppy is very easy. All of the costs of shipping are already included so there will be no additional charges. We will take care of making all of the arrangements for your puppy and let you know the flight information as soon as we receive it. We are very careful and only use airlines that have a special PetSafe compartment. The puppy will fly in the same comfort and climate as the passengers. It is pressurized and heated and airconditioned the whole way. The only time your puppy will be exposed to the heat or cold is to and from the plane.
When will I have my puppy's flight information?
You will receive your puppy's detailed flight information as soon as we receive it back from the airlines. We usually receive it the Monday before he or she goes home but occasionally it will be on Tuesday morning instead. We'll let you know the puppy's flight number, arrival time and exactly where inside the airport you'll be able to pick him up.
What should I do when I get to the airport?
I'll let you know exactly where inside the airport to go to meet your puppy. It is usually in the Baggage Service Office located near baggage claim although it is different in some airports.
I will have him in your name so please remember to bring a photo ID with you to claim him. You now also need a second form of ID that can be anything with your name on it such as a credit or debit card, library card, etc. If you need to add another name for someone else to be able to pick him up too, just let me know. It usually takes about 15-30 minutes for puppies to be available to pick up after the flight lands.
What should I expect when he first arrives?
Most puppies will be sitting in their crate just waiting for you when you arrive. Most of the time they arrive just like a little kid who's been cooped up in the car all day and are eager to get out and meet you! Some need just some quiet reassuring to feel better. Please remember, though, that he's had a busy day. Flying on a plane away from Mom and siblings can be scary for a puppy and pretty stressful. They're going to need some special attention and love to make them feel at home. Take your time. Let the puppy explore you and get to know his new family. Try not to overwhelm him at first and give him time to get used to his new surroundings. In no time at all, he'll be completely at home and will light up at the site of any member of his new family.
He will probably be hungry after a long day. We will send a small bag of food along with him and there will be some small bowls in his crate. Please see that he gets something to eat soon after he arrives. Some puppies get a little bit of airsickness and it is safe and normal but if he's still not eating within two hours of landing, please give us a call so we can find something he likes to get him eating again. Another thing we recommend is buying a small tube of Nutrical or Nutristat. It's puppy vitamins and comes in a toothpaste-like tube. It's not essential but definitely helpful for his first few days at home. Just squeeze a dime-sized amount on the tip of your finger and he should lick it off. If not, just wipe it into the inside of his cheek. It tastes good and most puppies love it.
We do our best to have a clean puppy arrive to you, but accidents can happen so there will be some wipes in a small bag inside the plastic sleeve and you may want to bring an old towel if you want to carry him if he's dirty. You are free to bathe him as needed and just give him a fluff with a cool blow dryer until he's completely dry.
Enjoy your special time. Please give me a call or email after you are home and settled in so I know that he arrived safe and sound.
How will I get my puppy's paperwork?
You will find all of his paperwork in a plastic sleeve attached to his crate. You'll find his registration papers, vaccination record for you and your vet, signed copy of the two-year health guarantee, copy of his health certificate, pedigree, and the microchip registration form.
You will need to mail in his registration papers. Don't forget to take advantage of the free dog tag offer included for our ACHC registered puppies! His microchip can now be registered online at
When will my puppy need his first vet visit?
We ask that you bring him to the vet within two days of him coming home (not including weekends or holidays) so if you can set up an appointment for him, that would be great. We just need to know that he handled the flight well and is adjusting to his new home. If your vet has any questions at all, he's welcome to give us a call. We ask that you just get a simple letter or form that from your vet that says that he has been checked and everything looked good. We don't need the letter unless you ever have a problem in the future so just hang onto it.
Will my puppy be comfortable during the flight?
Your puppy will be very comfortable as he or she travels. We have had 100% success as each puppy travels to their new home. Here is an article taken from AOL Travel as they followed one dog's trip from Houston to Newark.
Finally, flight day arrives:
5:30 a.m. Buddy wakes up, goes for a walk and eagerly climbs in the car for a trip to the airport.
6:00 a.m. You give Buddy one last walk around outside before heading into the cargo facility at Houston. Each city and airline has a different spot, so check with your carrier about where you are supposed to take your pet.
6:15 a.m. Continental Airlines' PetSafe program representative greets Buddy at the counter. Buddy is regretting that big carb load he had yesterday, because now he has to step on a scale to get weighed. The rep also pets and talks to Buddy, checks out his crate and makes sure he looks ready to travel. The pet treats you've brought for Buddy in a plastic bag, along with his leash and collar, are taped to the top of the crate. Next up is completion of the USDA paperwork and checking the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. The crate is sent through the X-ray machine, but not Buddy. According to Sarah Horowitz, spokesperson for the Transportation Security Administration, TSA officers "will conduct both a visual inspection and screen for explosives while the pet owner is present." At this point, you will give Buddy a hug and head off to go through security while Buddy gets ready for his flight.
6:45 a.m. The PetSafe agent finishes up the paperwork, affixes live animal labels and arrows on the crate so it is always in the proper position. Plastic zip ties get secured on the crate to ensure the door doesn't fly open accidentally.
7:15 a.m. Buddy stands in his crate in a lighted, heated and air-conditioned cargo holding area, waiting for passengers to board the plane. He's a little nervous since this is his first flight, and he's whimpering. Several other crates sit nearby, some with pets and some with commercial shippers' animals. Continental's pet area is climate controlled, but other airlines require a written statement from your vet that includes what temperature your dog is acclimated to. Airlines restrict shipping animals if the temperature is higher than 85 degrees or if it is below 45 degrees.
8:35 a.m. All luggage has been loaded on the aircraft; passengers are settling into their seats and getting buckled in. Buddy's PetSafe van driver loads his crate and the others for the flight into the van and heads off to the plane. Continental has PetSafe vans in 14 markets. The vans are all climate controlled and allow agents to wait plane-side with the animals for the last five to 10 minutes, with the heater or air-conditioning running.
8:40 a.m. The kennel is strapped to a special section (front or back) of the plane, apart from the other luggage. Animals are loaded last on the aircraft, and a curtain separates them from other cargo. There are no lights on in this portion of the plane, but the temperature is maintained at the same level as the cabin where you are seated, and it is pressurized, as required by the federal Animal Welfare Act. "They are very well protected," says Schoppa.
8:50 a.m. Your flight takes off. After Buddy gets used to the constant jet noise, he settles down and goes to sleep. "Just as babies often go to sleep when they're riding in a car, we find the same effect holds true with the pets we fly," says Schoppa. "We know because we can hear them barking, and once we close the door, they stop barking."
1:15 p.m. You flight arrives in Newark, and before the door opens for the passengers, Buddy is being unbuckled and is the first thing taken off the plane.
1:25 p.m. Buddy's crate is loaded into a PetSafe van and driven off to the animal holding area. PetSafe agents check in on pets to be sure they are comfortable, even offering ice chips, before putting his crate in the secure waiting area for you.
1:45 p.m. You exit security and head over to the cargo area to pick up your pooch. He is ready and waiting, and he starts barking and wagging his tail as soon as he hears your voice. It was a good flight.
by Laurie Borman
Posted January 19th, 3:15pm
Remember your first goal is to enjoy and love your new puppy. Feeding, potty training, and sleep are all very important to a puppy's development, but puppies need love to flourish. In a home where they are welcome and loved, they will very quickly reflect this affection to their family. Please don't hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do for you in the future. Enjoy this special time.
We hope that we have helped make this time a wonderful experience.